Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I am officially an odd number.

So today is my birthday, and I am offically 17, an odd number. You may say I'm OCD or Superstitious, but odd numbers are evil. Please pray for me. With your help and prayers, I will survive the year. Overdramatic? Maybe.

Taken at 12:01 pm, 1st minute of being 17 :)
Today we went to the White House for a tour, but were there on the wrong day, so we're going tomorrow. It was all good though, because it was an adventure!

Then we came home, played brown squirrel and another game (SEGL and Kat things) then ate lunch. For my birthday, my Mom order Potbelly's for all of us which was awesome because I LOVE Potbellys! I will miss it so much! For those of you non-DCers, potbelly's is a sandwich shop :)

Then at 2, we presented our non-profit ideas to a panel. We were split into 3 groups, 2 groups of 5, 1 group of 6, and each panel had one Ashoka Youth Venture Rep. They were all so nice though so it really wasn't that bad or intimidating. My panel had Ashoka Rep. Rachel, Lucy (Our RA) and Charlotte (SEGL Admissions Officer).We presented our ideas, they asked some questions, got some feedback and moved on to the next person. Not so bad right?

Ashoka Youth Venture is the organization that starts our non-profits off with seed funding, up to $1000, so if all goes well, we'll each get seed funding :)

Then we chilled out, worked on credos, came home, worked on credos, took a power nap, ate, and are still working on credos. We also have to prep because we're presenting our Policy on Sex trafficking in Thailand to the Thailand Expert in the Office to Combat and Monitor Trafficking at the State Dept. tomorrow. I'm excited but also really nervous.

After we present the policy, we're going on a tour of the White House, then going back to the school to present our credos :)

So that was my first day as 17 :)

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