Stop 1:
Who: U.S.-Mexico Border Coordinator Stewart Tuttle
When: 10am
Where: The Einstein Memorial (So I didn't have to go through security at the State Department where he works)
My first meeting of the day was with Stewart Tuttle, who is in charge of the U.S.-Mexico border. He gave me a lot of perspective that I hadn't heard of before, like the strengths of the border, instead of the weaknesses which are always talked about. The third pillar of the Mérida initiative is to build a modern 21st century economically secure and stable border between Mexico and the U.S. He is pretty much in charge of setting that up!
Some of what I learned:
- Border states are setting up master plans, of their priorities for what their borders need. The Government gives funding to their top priorities first. California is the first state done with their master plan
- There are 3 Master Plan borders in Texas, because it's so big.
- Cooperation with Mexico right now is really good
- Every day, $1 Billion in trade crosses the border, and 1 million legal people (not necessarily immigrating, just crossing)
- Almost half of the states in the U.S. have Mexico as their primary trading partner
- Violence makes the cost of business go up and makes the U.S. more security conscious
- SENTRY cards are like fast cards for crossing the border. People who have them have been pre-screened so they can cross the border quickly
- There's a really good idea in progress that would decongest the border...but I can't say exactly what it is... ;)
- The Master Plans (and most of the new border) will hopefully be done by 2013
- Why should YOU care? An efficient border will return investments alot, there will be more jobs, a more modern border means easier trade which means less expensive products and more fresh fruits etc. etc.
- You know an issue is important when the White House takes charge, which has happened. Federal Organizations, the White House, etc. come together to form an Interagency Policy Committee (IPC), there's an IPC which deals with the border. Coordinator Tuttle is a main staffer on the IPC and chairs the discussions about border infrastructure. He is at every meeting too!
After my meeting with Coordinator Tuttle I made my way too....
Stop 2:
Who: Ricardo Ardayl
When: 12pm
Where: La embajada de México! (The Mexican Embassy!)
Ricardo Ardayl works in Communications and Media at the Mexican Embassy. I met with him for around an hour and he gave me Mexico's perspective on the issue, which is really interesting. He talked about the President, Felipe Calderón, alot because Calderón is really cracking down on drug trafficking.
Here's some of what I learned:
- President Calderón is a lawyer, his wife is also, he's passionate and tough about the law. He's in the PAN Party, considered more to the right, but right and left aren't the same at all as they are in the U.S.
- Alot of the deaths from Drug violence are people who are involved in the drug trade. Only a small amount are civilians.
- Because Ciudad Juarez is the most affected region in Mexico, they have alot of Armed forces there. Things have gotten slightly better there.
- Many people in Mexico grew up with the PRI (a party), which wasn't great, so they still don't have a big sense of democracy, and there is still distrust/suspicion about the Government embedded int he culture
- There's very good cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico.
- Most of the weapons of the Cartels come from the U.S.
- Bribing gets alot of money and drugs across the border.
- Mexico's economy is very connected to the U.S.'s economy. "If you sneeze, we catch a cold." -Ardayl
- Mexico is the U.S.'s 3rd biggest consumer
- La Barbee, a drug trafficker thought to be Mexican who was just captured/killed, was actually American.
Hearing his side and opinions was super interesting and I learned alot. I even got to speak spanish while I was there! :) After I met with him I got a piece of pizza and then headed for....
Stop 3:
Who: Person would like to remain anonymous
When: 3pm
Where: the Ford House Office Building
For my next meeting, I met with a guy (who would like to remain unnamed) who works specifically with this issue and issues regarding Latin America on Capitol Hill.
Some of what I learned:
- With increased law enforcement, things will get worse before they get better. Many Cartels retaliate with violence against strict Law Enforcement. (Sidenote: The PRI, which ruled for more than 70 years in Mexico had ties with many cartels, but Calderón doesn't tolerate them and cracks down on them so the Cartels retaliate with violence, unlike when the PRI was in power).
- President Obama and Secretary Clinton have said that America is responsible too (finally!)
- Latin American issues/ Mexico is increasingly higher up on Congress' radar with bipartisan support
- Things are moving in the right direction
- Mexico and the U.S. are cooperating really well!
The meeting with this guy was really good and I also learned alot. He was really cool and he deals with these issues everyday so he knew alot.
A House Committee on Terrorism and Human Rights was a few doors down so I went in to ask a question. I asked something like, "What is the line between Spill-over violence and terrorism?" Because many consider Spill-over violence only violence that targets civilians, not other traffickers, so there has been discussion about if it's considered terrorism or not. He told me to email him the question, so I did. Hopefully I'll get an answer soon!
Also before my next meeting, I stopped by Senator Scott Brown's office to introduce myself to the office. Scott Brown was the lead Senate Sponsor of the bill I filed in Massachusetts, so I worked with him about that. He's a really cool guy. Then I quickly stopped by Senator Susan Collins office to tell her staff how cool their boss is! I love Senator Collins, and her staff do too (I know that seems obvious but you never know)! I got to meet Senator Collins at an event a little while ago so I told them how awesome it was to meet her and they appreciated the flamboyancy. Then I headed down the hall to...
Stop 4
Who: Emily Mendrala, works for Sen. John Kerry on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
When: 4:30pm
Where: Dirksen Senate Office Building
So my next meeting was with Emily Mendrala, who works on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and is a 'Western Hemisphere gal." She knew so much and I could tell how content she was working on the committee and with Sen. John Kerry. I think we were pretty similar with our high-energy! :)
Here's some of what I learned:
- Balloon effect, if we give $$$ to one place, crime goes up in another place etc. etc. so we need to evenly distribute money etc.
- Spill-over violence into the U.S. is very low right now
- Many Mexican people are leaving Juarez because of the drug situation there.
- Many routes used for illegal immigration into the United States are also used for trafficking drugs, money, weapons etc.
- The DEA is taking precautions against drugs in hot-spot areas in the U.S.
Her boss had actually just come back from Juarez where he met with Mexican officials about drug trafficking and other issues. She was super cool and from what she says of Sen. John Kerry, I'm glad he's my Senator
Then I went.........home.
It was a really interesting day. I learned a ton and got to meet with some awesome people. On Friday, every student will be presenting some of what they learned, so I'll be presenting about this.
If you have questions about any of this feel free to ask! :)
P.S. Will put more bathroom pictures up soon! :)
wait, jordan, i am so jealous! you guys are doing the coolest things ever!! keep posting please and thank you