Thursday, December 16, 2010

The final days

Today, Thursday, is one of the last days that we'll be here. I really can't even put into words how upset I am. I really really don't want to leave, I love it here.

But we've been having a fun-filled last couple of days.

Today, we met with the Southeast Asia and the Pacific Expert, Christine Chan-Downer, in the Office to Combat and Monitor Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP) at the State Dept. We presented out policy on combatting sex trafficking in Thailand to her, and it went really well. She seemed to really like the policy, and she had some great feedback. She knew so much because she's very active in the fight against human trafficking, and has alot of experience with Thailand. She goes there alot and had a bunch of stories to tell us that made the issue even more real. Meeting with her was really cool, and she gave us all copies of the State Dept. 2010 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, which is very legit, it's like a book. That was really really nice of her.

Some of us in front of the White House after the tour
After that, we rushed to the White House for a tour. I've gotten a tour of the more working-part of the White House earlier this semester from a family friend who works in the White House, but this was a different part, which was really cool to see.

Then we went back to the School and got ready to present our credos.

Each person had 10 minutes to present their credo, any part of it that they wanted and in whatever way they wanted. The credos were so meaningful and I loved learning so much more about my friends that I've been living with for 4 months. The experience was amazing, and I loved every second of it.

After the final credo presentation, we went to a Board Member, Abigail's house for dinner. She invited us for dinner which was amazing, and I guess it's an SEGL tradition now :) Her house was amazing! Like definitely one of the coolest houses I've ever been in! She was SO nice and the food she made was unbelievable. I felt so at home there and it was a great bonding experience because alot of our SEGL community was there. We even played Apples to Apples (which I LOVE) but I fell asleep a few minutes  in because I was absolutely exhausted. I went to sleep at 2:30am last night (or this morning I guess) to work more on the credo, and that was surprisingly early for people in the house. Weird right?

Tomorrow we're packing in the morning to mid afternoon, and then going to the school for some secret stuff. I really hope it will be a good last night, and I know it will :)

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