Sunday, August 29, 2010

I survived a trust fall...bring it on DC!

So...I moved into SEGL on Saturday, and it's going pretty well. Saturday afternoon we took a death walk to the remnants of the tea party rally...let's just say I was biting my tongue most of the time while walking by people who think Glenn Beck is a saint. I still feel guilty after drinking water that said, "restoring honor" on it...but I was thirsty. Today we had a nice breakfast and then headed off to the academic building where we participated in trust exercises like a trust fall...which I did for the first time in my life! I almost had a heart attack, but I'm alive so I can't complain :). We then met with our advisors, and made a CVS run to get some things we forgot, and vitamins for me to keep healthy! When we came back we had a nice dinner at the academic building followed by our first academic session. The class was intense to say the least. We watched a 35 minute video of the live CNN footage of 9/11 and saw the 2nd plane crash into the twin towers. It was emotional, and we discussed how we felt and the relevance of the event. I was comforted to be in an environment where I felt comfortable sharing how I felt and listening to others' ideas too. Usually I'm the one who does most of the talking, but not here!...which is a good thing :) I no longer feel like I have to talk to fill awkward silencse because everyone wants to talk! :)

Now we're all in our rooms eagerly awaiting our first day of school tomorrow.

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