Monday, August 30, 2010


So today was the first day of classes. We started the morning off by eating breakfast and then leaving the house at 8:15. It's about a 30 minute commute to school. We got to the school and had morning meeting and talked about news and current events. We then had our 1st ethics and leadership class where we did a simulation using skittles. It was pretty cool. We also talked about different theories on ethics from philosophers like Aristotle. I enjoyed that alot and realized that I believe in virtue ethics alot. We had our regular classes and I love my teachers! They are awesome! My spanish and math teacher is the same person! She's from Cuba and was in the Peace Core for a few years, she's super nice and smart! My history teacher is awesome too, he helped write the AP Comparative Government and Politics class for the college board and did alot of other cool things. Our history class is structured completely differently from any other class I've ever had. Everyone has different textbooks, which he says makes it interesting, and we discuss what we read and talk about the differences between what we read. He doesn't do alot of lecturing (yet), we do most of the talking :). My chemistry class only has 4 people and the teacher's great, he's funny and really knows what he's talking about. And of  course Noah the founder is amazing and so inspirational. All of my classes are super small, the smallest has 4 kids (including me) and the biggest has 8 kids. I like this so much because it's not as overwhelming with less people and we can go quicker. We then had to exercise...ya....exercise. We jogged to a local park and played capture the flag which was pretty fun. Then we came home and ate dinner and did homework. I had a decent amount of homework but it wasn't too bad. And now here I am, writing this blog. I'd say today was good :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I survived a trust fall...bring it on DC!

So...I moved into SEGL on Saturday, and it's going pretty well. Saturday afternoon we took a death walk to the remnants of the tea party rally...let's just say I was biting my tongue most of the time while walking by people who think Glenn Beck is a saint. I still feel guilty after drinking water that said, "restoring honor" on it...but I was thirsty. Today we had a nice breakfast and then headed off to the academic building where we participated in trust exercises like a trust fall...which I did for the first time in my life! I almost had a heart attack, but I'm alive so I can't complain :). We then met with our advisors, and made a CVS run to get some things we forgot, and vitamins for me to keep healthy! When we came back we had a nice dinner at the academic building followed by our first academic session. The class was intense to say the least. We watched a 35 minute video of the live CNN footage of 9/11 and saw the 2nd plane crash into the twin towers. It was emotional, and we discussed how we felt and the relevance of the event. I was comforted to be in an environment where I felt comfortable sharing how I felt and listening to others' ideas too. Usually I'm the one who does most of the talking, but not here!...which is a good thing :) I no longer feel like I have to talk to fill awkward silencse because everyone wants to talk! :)

Now we're all in our rooms eagerly awaiting our first day of school tomorrow.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Moving in tomorrow...AHHHH!!!!!

I’m moving into SEGL tomorrow…ahhh!!!! I’m really excited but I have last minute nerves. I think tomorrow will be stressful but well worth it. Hopefully not too stressful though!